Sunday, September 26, 2010

Weekly vocabulary

Acquire: to get or obtain possession of something
Endure: bear hardship
Irate: very angry
Ponder: to think about something carefully over a period of time
Subtle: slight and not obvious

Lessons September 27-October 1


5th Grade

6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade


5th Grade

6th Grade

Monday, September 20, 2010

Weekly Lesson

5th Grade

6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade


5th Grade

6 Grade

Vocabulary September 20-25th

Distraught:  extremely upset and distressed (adjective)
Mortify:  to make someone feel deeply ashamed and humiliated (verb)
Homage: a show of reverence and respect towards somebody ( noun)
Negligent:  habitually carless or irresponsible (adjective)
Bewilder:  to confuse somebody (verb)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


ELA test for Grades 5-8
5th Grade study
Pages 60, 61, 64, 65, 124, and 125
Nouns, common and proper nouns, and tenses of verbs

6th Grade
Pages 62-65, and 116-119
Nouns, common and proper nouns, verbs, and Linking verbs
7th Grade
Pages 56-61, and 176-183
Nouns, common and proper nouns, making nouns plural, tenses of verbs, and Irregular verbs
8th Grade
Pages 58-63, and 182-189
Nouns, common and proper nouns, making nouns plural, tenses of verbs, and irregular verbs

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September 14th homework

5th Grade
Page 125 part C
* For all who did NOT finish their writing, it MUST be finished tonight, along with tonight's homework. 
6th Grade
Pages 117 C and 119 B
7th Grade
Page 183 C
8th Grade
Page 184 C                                                                                                                                                                         *If you have not finished page 188 B make sure you finish it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

September 13 Homework

5th Grade
Finish the writing assignment on L.L.

6th Grade
No ELA today Gym class

7th Grade

World of Language text book page 119 C and page 179 C

8th Grade
 Finish the writing assignment on L.L.

6 th Grade Religion
answer in your note book,
1. what does divine inspiration have to do with the Bible?

2. why is tradition important as an element of our faith?


1. Inquire (verb): To ask something

2. Revert(verb) : To go back to previous state

3. Concept (noun): Something thought or imagined.

4. Facilitate(verb): To make easier

5. Banter(noun): good-natured teasing

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Thursday night's ELA homework

ELA Review on Nouns

5 Grade ELA
pg. 61 section C
pg. 63 section C

6 Grade ELA
pg. 63 section C
pg. 65 section C
pg  69 section B

8 Grade ELA
pg 59 section C
pg 61 section C
pg 63 section D

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Dear Parents/Guardians

I am your child’s ELA teacher, and I am delighted to have your child in my class this year. I am looking forward to a very successful year and I know you are too. I have high expectations for your child and I will do all that I can to help your child achieve those expectations.

Your support will have a positive influence on your child’s learning. During the year if there is a need to discuss your child’s progress or if a problem arise, please feel free to write a note or call the school for an appointment.

Regarding the grading policy in my class, your child is expected to complete his/her assignments daily. Each student will be supplied with an assignment book. It will be their responsibility to record their daily work in this book. This book will enable you to track on your child’s daily assignments.

I hope by working together we can create a great opportunity for your child’s development.


Julia Serewko

Monday, September 6, 2010

Supply List

5,6 and 8 Grade                                5&6 Grade Religion
3 marble composition notebooks                                  1 marble composition note book
2 folders two pockets
2 pack of loose leaf paper
   #2 pencils
     Blue or Black pens
2 red pens

7 Grade
1 family-size (rectangular) boxes of tissues
1 roll of paper towel
1 containers of Clorox wipes (35ct.)
1 8oz. pump bottle of antibacterial liquid hand soap
3 marble composition notebooks
2 folders two pockets
2 pack of loose leaf paper
1 flash drive
  #2 Pencils
    Blue or Black Pens
2 red pens