Tuesday, August 28, 2018

4th Grade Summer reading project

The Summer reading project will be Due September 14 
Please be sure to read all directions. 
Students have a written assignment and a creative assignment, is there are any questions have your child ask them during the first few days of class. 

Due Date 
September 14!

Written Response Assignment (complete 2)

***This ONE is required
§  Write a letter from August’s point of view (First person point of view) explaining the conflict in the story. Write the letter to a “pen pal” who does not know the other characters or the situation in which August finds himself.

***Choose ONE of the three below
§  Choose two characters from the book and one choice that each character made.  Write a paragraph or create a diagram comparing and contrasting the characters’ choices.
§  Write a well written paragraph identifying the rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution of the book.
§  Write a well written paragraph explaining what you think the author’s main purpose for the story is.  In addition to the purpose, include a possible theme and explain it.

 All writing assignments should include basic paragraph construction including a topic sentence, supporting sentences with specific details, and a concluding sentence. Assignments should be typed if a computer is available. A handwritten assignment will be accepted.

Each activity should be on a separate sheet of paper. You may use copy paper, drawing paper, or poster board.

Written Response Scoring Rubric
Score   and Criteria

 8-point response clearly demonstrates exceptional understanding of the task, completes all requirements, and provides an insightful explanation/opinion that links to or extends aspects of the text.

6-7-point response demonstrates a basic understanding of the task, completes all requirements, and provides some explanation/opinion using situations or ideas from the text as support.

4-5-point response may address all of the requirements, but demonstrates a partial understanding of the task, and uses text incorrectly or with limited success resulting in an inconsistent or flawed explanation.

2-3-point response demonstrates minimal understanding of the task, does not complete the requirements, and provides only a vague reference to or no use of the text.

Response does not provide enough information for the teacher to evaluate.
1-point response is irrelevant or off-topic or has been plagiarized.

Creative Projects

Students must choose ONE of the projects below to complete at home.

Choice #1: Book Jacket
Create a colorful, engaging book jacket that includes the following:
Cover: New cover for the book with illustration, title, author, and student name.
Inner Flap (left side):
Summary –Sequential summary of key story events from the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and conclusion of the novel.
Inner Flap (right side):
Text connections (text to text, text to self or text to world)
Back Flap: Theme – Description of the theme supported with examples from the story.

The summary is detailed and well written; the jacket is colorful, neat, and eye catching, the text
connection is meaningful and purposeful, careful proofreading is evident, and the theme is thoughtful and clearly explained. (8 points)
Story summary (2 points)
Picture (2 points)
 Theme / Text connection (2 points)
Grammar, spelling, mechanics (2 points)

Choice #2: Bookmark
Create an eye-catching bookmark that complements your summer reading book by illustrating a key event that happen during the story. 

Format: (bookmark should be no smaller than 8 ½” x 3 ½”)
Front: Title, author, setting, theme
Back: 3 examples of major points in the story. 

Title, author, setting (2 points)
Illustration is detailed, colorful and clearly a key event (2 points)
3 examples of the story. (2 points)
Grammar, spelling, mechanics (2 points)

Choice #3: Scrapbook
The scrapbook will include pictures, artifacts, and a short description that demonstrates the students’ understanding of and reflection on the novel, Wonder by R.J. Palacio. In addition, the student will design an attractive cover or title page including the title of the novel and the author. (8 points)

Pages should include the following topics (organized in this order)
Major plot events
Themes / lessons learned
One significant quote
Cover with title and author noted (2 points)
Each page topic includes pictures and a short description that explains its relevance to the novel (2 points)
Correct spelling, grammar, mechanics (2 points)
Creativity, neatness (2 Points)