Monday, March 9, 2015

7th Grade Week of March 9



1. idea: anything existing in the mind as a product of mental activity or awareness, such as a conception or image.
2.tone: the pitch, accent, or stress of a word, group of words, or speaking voice, especially as an expressive quality.
3.coordinate:  arranged or able to be arranged harmoniously.
4.fantasy: imagination or something imagined, especially if fanciful, exaggerated, or bizarre.
5.synthesize:  to bring together or combine (separate elements) to form a whole.
6. edit: to add to, delete, correct, or rearrange (written material or film segments).
7.imagery: images, especially figurative ones, in art or writing.
8. dialogue: an exchange of opinions or thoughts in an effort to reach agreement or mutual understanding.
9. adjective in grammar, a word that modifies a noun or noun equivalent.
10.monologue: a long speech, poem, series of stories, or the like delivered by a single speaker.
11.diction: word choice and arrangement in speech or writing, especially as a reflection of forcefulness or effectiveness.