Click Here for Lesson Plans
Monday - RWJ all of pg 90.
Wednesday- Pearson article due Friday.
Shoe Box ecosystem diagram project Due December 18
Choose an ecosystem and research the plants, animals, and nonliving things in the
The diorama MUST include 3 or more plants, 4 or more animals, and a correct display of a food chain containing a producer, consumer, and decomposer from the ecosystem.
Build a scene on the inside of a shoebox showing the ecosystem you’ve researched.
Label each plant/animal properly. Include its name and whether or not it is a producer, consumer, or decomposer. (i.e. if there is a lion in your diorama you will label it “Lion – Consumer”)
Use supplies such as paints, construction paper, glue, crayons or markers, tape, scissors, pictures from magazines, or small replicas of items that will fit in the shoebox. Be neat, and creative! The internet has a lot of information on building a diorama.
Write a short description about your ecosystem. This must include information about the food chain that you display. Write this description on a separate sheet of paper to be turned in with your project.
Include a title (your ecosystem) and your name.
Monday - Answer the two questions in your notebook
What are the three parts od the liturgy od the Eucharist?
How do we share the Eucharist with others?