Monday, April 8, 2019

4th Grade week of April 8th

This week we will be working on:

1: We will be continuing reading "Northwest Coast People" using the ReadyGen text collection. With this story this week we will be focusing on the main idea and key details.

2. In Grammar we will be talking able writing directions, a "How To" article.

3. We will be working on our novel "Fantastic Mr. Fox."

Lesson Plans



1.     What did Mr. Fox do to get his children to help him?
2.     Has this kind of thinking ever worked on you?
3.     Is it a good way to get people to do things they may not want to do? Why or why not?
4.     What connections did you make while you read? What do you already know about that helped you understand the story?
5.     Was there any part of the story that confused you?
6.     What are the important parts of this part of the story?
7.     What new things have you learned about Mr. Fox? How did the author let you know?
8.     If you could give Mr. Fox one piece of advice, what would it be?
9.     If you could write the menu for a great feast, what would you include?

10.  What questions do you have after reading this part?
