Monday, February 27, 2012

6th Book

Red Scarf Girl: A Memoir of the Cultural Revo
   by Ji-li Jiang 
Students must that this book by Friday 3/2. Students will be  able to purchase the book during the fair this week for $5.95  
Red Scarf Girl: A Memoir of the Cultural Revolution

Friday, February 24, 2012

African-American history month

By the end of this project, you will have researched a famous Black American, used technology resources to write at least a 3 page report about that person. This process should involve all of the steps of writing.
GRAMMAR  & SPELLING   _____/25 pts.
  •  Punctuated correctly
  • Spelling errors are minimal
  • Correct grammar
NEATNESS   _____/25 pts.
  • Neat cover-picture, name of person, your name
  •  typing (times new roman font 12)
  • Nice appearance-1 and 1/2 in. spacing, etc. (found under format paragraph in Word)
CONTENTS   _____/25 pts.
  • Interesting Introduction/5 pts. (Why is this person important?)
  • Conclusion/Reflection/5 pts.
  • Sequenced by time order and includes accomplishments/15 pts.
ACCURATE & INTERESTING  _____/ 25 pts. 
  • Information is accurate
  • Report is told in your own words/voice
  • Told like a story, not just a list of facts 
  • List the resources-5 points (at least three)

8th grade


Spelling unit 10 Thursday 3/1

African history month paper is due 2/29

7th Grade


Spelling unit 10 Thursday 3/1

African history month paper is due 2/29

6th Grade


Spelling unit 10 Thursday 3/1
Preposition quiz 2/29

African history month paper is due 2/29

5th Grade


Spelling unit 10 Thursday 3/1

African history month paper is due 2/29

LENTEN JOURNAL 5 and 6 First Sunday of Lent

If Journal entries are not finished in class they must be finished for homework.

Ash Wednesday - How do I feel about Lent? How does Lent affect me? When I listen to people talk about Lent, do I feel like what they are saying has anything to do with me?  With my life?  Why?  Why not?

First Sunday of Lent - Do something special for yourself.  What did you do?  How did this make you feel?
Monday - Take five to fifteen minutes and do nothing -    hear, see, think, do nothing.  Just relax and let the world disappear.  Then write something good about yourself.

Tuesday - Read Leviticus 19:1-18 - Choose one (1)   verse, Copy the verse neatly on your paper. Reflect
  on how you can take this message to heart during this Lent.  Briefly describe what you might do.
Wednesday - Read Matthew 25:31-46.  Explain what verse 45 means to you.
Thursday - Re-read Matthew 25:31-46  Respond: Is it easier for you to be the "doer" of the
Works of Mercy or to be the "receiver"?  Explain why.

 Friday - Write your thoughts on accepting what God and Life hand to you

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Weekly Vocabulary February 20

Vocabulary Words for Weel of February 20th, 2012

1. Prejudice - Unfair dislike of a group of people.

2. Barrier - A wall; something that is in the way.

3. Fielder - A baseball player who tries to catch and throw balls hit on the field.

4. Courageous - Very braves

5. Influence - Power over others.

6. Equality - The state of being equal, in which everyone is treated the same way.

7. Superb - Very good; excellent.

8. Athletic - Having to do with sports.

9. Recognition - Fame; attention given someone who has done something good.

10. Popularity - Being liked by many people.

11. Routine - A set of movements done over and over in the same way.

12. Provinces - A large region of a country.

13. Alternate - A person who can act in the place of another; substitute.

14. Long-term - Involving a number of years.

15. Injured - Hurt; damaged.

16. Senior - Higher in rank; advanced; older.

17. Panel - A group of people chosen for a specific purpose.

18. Quiz - To question closely.

19. Tutor - A private instructor.

20. Credit - Recognition that a student has completed a course of study.

8th grade


African American History month paper due 2/29

ELA unit 2/23:  prepositions, prepositional phrases, parallel structure, sentence variation, active, and passive voice.

7th Grade


African American History month paper due 2/29

ELA unit 2/23 prepositions, prepositional phrases, sentence variation, phrases, and clauses.

6th Grade


blank notebook due 2/21
African American History month paper due 2/29

ELA unit 2/23 sentence variation, prepositions, prepositional phrases. compound subjects, compound predicate, indirect, and direct object.
Religion unit 2/24 Chapter 10,11,12

5th Grade


Blank notebook due 2/21
African American Report due 2/29

ELA unit exam 2/23 Prepositions, prepositional phrases, conjunctions, and sentence variation
Religion unit 2/24 Chapters 11, 12, 15

Sunday, February 12, 2012


2/14 RED Day - Dress up in Red clothes to celebrate Valentine's Day and the  installation of Archbishop Dolan into The College of Cardinals. NO JEANS ALLOWED.  

Weekly Vocabulary 2/13

Prey: an animal hunted or seized for food, especially by a carnivorous animal.
Fearsome: causing fear
Species:a class of individuals having some common characteristics or qualities; distinct sort or kind
Habitat: the natural environment of an organism; place that is natural for the life and growth of an organism
Eyesight: the power or faculty of seeing
Migration: a migratory movement
Obstacle: something that obstructs or hinders progress.
Hibernate:  to spend the winter in close quarters in a dormant condition, as bears and certain other animals
Distinguish: to mark off as different
Rodent: belonging or pertaining to the gnawing or nibbling mammals of the order Rodentia, including the mice, squirrels, beavers, etc.
Assignment: something assigned, as a particular task or duty
Dedicated: wholly committed to something, as to an ideal, political cause, or personal goal
Instructed: to furnish with knowledge, especially by a systematic method; teach; train; educate.
Capsule: a small case, envelope, or covering
Cockpit: a space, usually enclosed, in the forward fuselage of an airplane containing the flying controls, instrument panel, and seats for the pilot and copilot or flight crew.
Liftoff: the action of an aircraft in becoming airborne or of a rocket in rising from its launching site under its own power.
Aerial: of, in, or produced by the air
Commander: a person who commands
Gravitational: the force of attraction between any two masses
Sensation: Feeling

8th Grade 2/13


2/13 3 forms of research

2/15 Parrallel structure test

7th Grade 2/13


2/13 3 different forms of research

ELA 2/14 Types of sentences.

6th Grade 2/13


2/13 3 different forms of research.

2/14 Religion test chapters 11 and 12
2/15 ELA  Direct and indirect object

5th Grade 2/13


Due 2/13 the three different froms of research.
2/21 Blank notebook for Lent journal
Religion pg 139 We respond in notebook.

Weekly test
ELA:  Prepositional phrases and types of sentences. 2/14
Religion: Chapter 10-11 2/15

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Lent Journal

Reflection means to take some quiet time.  Think about what you are reading or
hearing or seeing or feeling.  Then think about what this means TO YOU, now, in
this time and place.

Students will be working on a Lent Journal. Starting on Ash Wednesday (2/22/12) the classes will begin the project. Students must have a blank notebook in class on 2/21/12. If the notebook is not in on the 2/21/12 students will lose points on the project.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Weekly Vocabulary

1.  fabulous - imaginary; as if out of a fable.
2.  aviation - Flying in balloons or airplanes.
3.  devote -  To give up time to an activity.
4.  airborne -Off the ground; carried by the air.
5.  aloft - Up in the air.
6.  enables - To allow; give the ability
7.  altitude - Height; the distance above the ground.
8.  recommend - To speak in favor of.
9.  feat - A great or unusual act.
10.  expanded - To become larger.
11.  captive - Kept in prison.
12.  overtook -Caught up with.
13.  sustained - Supported; held up.
14.  draft - a drink that is kept in and served from a barrel or tank rather than from a bottle or can.
15.  imprisoned -Locked up; put in prison.
16.  uplifted -Raised up and held in the air.
17.  mortals - A human being 
18.  vaguely - In an unclear way; dimly.
19.  reel -To whirl; feel dizzy.
20.  veered - To change direction.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Grading of research paper

By the end of this project, you will have researched a famous Black American, used technology resources to write at least a 3 page report about that person. This process should involve all of the steps of writing.
GRAMMAR  & SPELLING   _____/25 pts.
  •  Punctuated correctly
  • Spelling errors are minimal
  • Correct grammar
NEATNESS   _____/25 pts.
  • Neat cover-picture, name of person, your name
  •  typing (times new roman font 12)
  • Nice appearance-1 and 1/2 in. spacing, etc. (found under format paragraph in Word)
CONTENTS   _____/25 pts.
  • Interesting Introduction/5 pts. (Why is this person important?)
  • Conclusion/Reflection/5 pts.
  • Sequenced by time order and includes accomplishments/15 pts.
ACCURATE & INTERESTING  _____/ 25 pts. 
  • Information is accurate
  • Report is told in your own words/voice
  • Told like a story, not just a list of facts 
  • List the resources-5 points (at least three)

African-American history month

In recognition of Black History Month, the children will be writing a research paper.  They may use any informational source; internet, encyclopedia, books, etc.  Please do not allow your child to copy word for word from their sources; all information must be in his/her own words or quoted from the text.  
Black history, or African-American history, is full of fascinating stories, rich culture, great art, and courageous acts that were undertaken within circumstances that we can hardly imagine in modern society. While Civil Rights events are the most common themes in our studies, we should resist equating African-American history only with Civil Rights-era history. There is so much more to explore! This list contains 50 prompts that might lead you into some interesting and little-known information about African-American history.
1.      African-American newspapers
2.      African-American soldiers in the American Revolution
3.      African-American soldiers in the Civil War
4.      Aviators
5.      Buffalo Soldiers
6.      Business-owning slaves
7.      Buying time
8.      Camp Logan Riots
9.      Clennon Washington King, Jr.
10.  Coffey School of Aeronautics
11.  Crispus Attucks
12.  Domestic labor strikes in the South
13.  Finding lost family members after emancipation
14.  First African Baptist Church
15.  Fort Mose
16.  Freedom's Journal
17.  Gospel music
18.  Gullah heritage
19.  Harlem Hellfighters
20.  Harlem Renaissance
21.  Harriet Tubman
22.  Historically Black Colleges
23.  History of rock-and-roll
24.  Inventors
25.  John Brown
26.  Jumping the broom
27.  Manumission papers
28.  Maroon villages in the eighteenth century
29.  Midwifery
30.  Motown Records
31.  Multi-cultural pirate ships
32.  Nat Turner
33.  Otelia Cromwell
34.  Property-owning slaves
35.  Purchasing freedom
36.  Ralph Waldo Tyler
37.  Register of Free Persons of Color
38.  Secret schools in antebellum America
39.  Sherman's March followers
40.  Slave Narratives
41.  Susie King Taylor
42.  The Amistad
43.  The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
44.  The Communist Party (involvement)
45.  The Great Migration
46.  The Haitian Revolution
47.  Tuskegee Airmen
48.  Underground Railroad
49.  Urban slavery (related to buying time)
50.  Wilberforce College, Ohio

An Investigation is an inquiry into a topic of a full research paper, providing substantial detail about a topic. When someone is finished reading and looking at your investigation, they should have a good understanding of your person and their accomplishments.

This investigation must include the following:
         1. Why this person is considered famous (be specific, give examples)     2.  What accomplishments this person is known for      3. Information on the person’s early life and how it guided them to greatness      4. Information on their adult life      5. A quote from your subject that you find significant

You may also include:
         Information about your subject’s family      Other information you find interesting

8th grade February 6

Weekly lessons

Weekly test
Spelling test Friday 2/10
ELA test 2/14 Parallel structure

Due 2/6: Students must have 4 different people, listed in order, who they would like to write their research paper on.  Remember who you choose must be influential people throughout African American history.

Due 2/13 Students must have 3 different forms of research for their African American History month project. It must be printed out and handed in on Monday the 13.

Due 2/9  Students must summarize what they have learn on parallel structure, and give at least 4 examples of each form explaining  how each works.

7th Grade February 6

Weekly lessons

Weekly test
Spelling test Friday 2/10
ELA test 2/14 Types of sentences.

Due 2/6: Students must have 4 different people, listed in order, who they would like to write their research paper on.  Remember who you choose must be influential people throughout African American history.

Weekly vocabulary must be copied into VOCABULARY NOTE BOOK by Tuesday 2/7/12

Due 2/13 Students must have 3 different forms of research for their African American History 

month project. It must be printed out and handed in on Monday the 13.

6th Grade February 6

Weekly lessons

Weekly test
Spelling test Friday 2/10
ELA Direct and indirect object test 2/15
Religion test 2/14 chapter 11 and 12

Due 2/6: Students must have 4 different people, listed in order, who they would like to write their research paper on.  Remember who you choose must be influential people throughout African American history.

Due 2/13 Students must have 3 different forms of research for their African American History 

month project. It must be printed out and handed in on Monday the 13.

5th Grade February 6

Weekly lessons

Weekly test
Spelling test Friday 2/10
ELA; test on prepositions, prepositional phrases, simple , and compound sentences 2/14
Religion:  Test on chapter 10 and 11 2/15

Due 2/6: Students must have 4 different people, listed in order, who they would like to write their research paper on.  Remember who you choose must be influential people throughout African American history.

Due 2/13 Students must have 3 different forms of research for their African American History 

month project. It must be printed out and handed in on Monday the 13.

Pg 99 in workbook on L.L. questions and answers.