Friday, December 11, 2015

Speech information

Everything must be handed in on time, if students do not hand in the work the day it is due they will not receive credit for their work.

Theme: Hunger in America

Topic: Due December 11, 2015
 2 different topics : Written on an index card. Should have been handed in and all students were given back there topics.

Next Important Dates

Resource list: Due December 15 You must have at least 5 resources.

Introduction: December 17: it can be hand written on L.L. or typed, one paragraph

First draft of your paper will be Due Jan 4 shaded with

Final Paper  Jan 11 typed, and handed in.

Absent and missing work. 

To the students who were absent Friday, December 11 you are behind with your speech topics, if your index card is not in on Monday you will be receiving a zero.

Students how handed in topics that were rejected, remember AMERICA,  you should only hand in topics about America. Other countries are not in AMERICA.

The end product of this entire speech must be memorized and presented to the class, the winners will then more on to the stage.

8th grade December 14

7th Grade December 14

6th grade December 14

5th Grade December 14

Monday, December 7, 2015

Speech Due Dates for all Students!

These date are subject to change.

Everything must be handed in on time, if students do not hand in the work the day it is due they will not receive credit for their work.

Theme: Hunger in America

Topic: Due December 11, 2015
 2 different topics : Written on an index card.

Resource list: Due December 15 You must have at least 5 resources.

Introduction: December 17: it can be hand written on L.L. or typed, one paragraph

First draft of your paper will be Due Jan 4 shaded with

Final Paper  Jan 11 typed, and handed in.

8th grade week of December 7


Due Thursday
Finish Class work started during class.
Workbook pg 87 1-12 questions and answers

Due Friday
Speech bee topics

7th grade week of December 7

Due Friday
Speech bee topics

6th grade week of December 7

5th grade week of December 7


Due Thursday
Workbook pg 69 the entire page question and answers

Due Friday
Workbook pg 70 1-10 questions and answers.
Speech bee topics due Friday