Sunday, November 28, 2010


This week starts 5th, 6th , 7th , and 8th's in class Spelling Bee. Students should review: . This is a list of spelling words that they will find helpful when reviewing for the Spelling Bee.


1.       If homework is not handed in the day it is due it cannot be made up and the students is given dentition.
2.       Tests are not to be taken in pencil. If a student wants to use pencil to do homework, and take class notes that is acceptable.
3.       When children are given a research paper, if they copy and paste their work from a web site they will receive a 0 for their paper. Plagiarism is not acceptable.
4.       If a student wants extra help, I am always willing to help. They must take it upon themselves to come to me and ask.
5.       It is the students’ job to copy down their homework and test. Students are never given TEST without ample time to study. If they do not write it down when they are told about it, it is their own fault.
6.       If a student is absent the day before a test that does not excuse them from the test. Students are well aware of the test they will be having everyweek, not only  do I tell them the test are  posted.
7.  If a student is absent it is their job to find out what they have missed and to make up the work.

Weekly test

ELA test on Thursday comparative and superlative adjectives.

Religion: Test on Confirmation


ELA Thursday all type of pronouns.

ELA  Thursday simple, compound, and complex sentences.

ELA Thursday adverb and adjective clauses

Weekly Vocabulary

Exodus: the biblical word describing the Israelites' departure from slavery to freedom.

Passover: The event in which God passes over the whole of Egypt, taking the lives of every firstborn Egyptian and sparing the Israelites

Introductory Rites: The part of the Mass that unites Catholics  as a community; it prepares them  to hear God's word ans celebrate the Eucharist.

Liturgy of the Word: the part of the mass in which we listen and respond to God's word; we profess our faith and pray for all people in need.

Consecration: the part of the Eucharistic prayer when, the power of the Holy Spirit and through the words and actions of the priest, the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ.

Weekly Assignments

All classes will be having a in class Spelling Bee

5th Grade 
Monday: Text page 241 questions 11- 15 questions and answers. If classwork was not finished they must complete it for homework.


7th Grade
Monday: Text Page 465 B questions and answers

8th Grade
Monday: text 487 11- 15 questions and answers. If classwork was not finished it should be completed for homework.

Weekly Lessons


5th Grade
6th  Grade
7th Grade
8th  Grade


5th Grade
6th  Grade

Monday, November 22, 2010


1.       If homework is not handed in the day it is due it cannot be made up and the students is given dentition.
2.       Tests are not to be taken in pencil. If a student wants to use pencil to do homework, and take class notes that is acceptable.
3.       When children are given a research paper, if they copy and paste their work from a web site they will receive a 0 for their paper. Plagiarism is not acceptable.
4.       If a student wants extra help, I am always willing to help. They must take it upon themselves to come to me and ask.
5.       It is the students’ job to copy down their homework and test. Students are never given TEST without ample time to study. If they do not write it down when they are told about it, it is their own fault.
6.       If a student is absent the day before a test that does not excuse them from the test.
7.  If a students is absent it is their job to find out what they have missed and to make up the work.

Week Test

5th Grade will have their unit 4 spelling test Tuesday.

7th Grade will have their unit 4 spelling test Tuesday.

8th Grade will have their unit 4 spelling test Tuesday.

Weekly Assignments November 22-24

5th Grade
Monday: test book page 239 Practice B 15-19 question and answers.
 Tuesday: With the picture that was created in, students have to write 2 paragraphs explaining how it represents advent. This is due Monday 11/29 when we get back from vacation.
6th Grade
Monday:  Bake sale is tomorrow Tuesday 11/ 23 everything must be in for the sale
7th Grade
Monday:  Text page 17 practice B question and answers.

8th Grade
Monday: 8th Practice A 6-10 questions and answers

Weekly Lessons November 22-24







Monday, November 15, 2010


1.       If homework is not handed in the day it is due it cannot be made up and the students is given dentition.
2.       Tests are not to be taken in pencil. If a student wants to use pencil to do homework, and take class notes that is acceptable.
3.       When children are given a research paper, if they copy and paste their work from a web site they will receive a 0 for their paper. Plagiarism is not acceptable.
4.       If a student wants extra help, I am always willing to help. They must take it upon themselves to come to me and ask.
5.       It is the students’ job to copy down their homework and test. Students are never given TEST without ample time to study. If they do not write it down when they are told about it, it is their own fault.
6.       If a student is absent the day before a test that does not excuse them from the test.

Weekly Lessons

5th grade

6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade


5th Grade

6th Grade

Weekly Test

5th will have a spelling test on Tuesday unit 4 words. They will also have a grammar test on Friday (Adjectives).

6th will have have a grammar test Friday (Transitive and intransitive verbs). They will also have a UNIT test on Friday all of unit 1 (students were given a outline to study)

7th Students will have a grammar test on Friday (adverbs).

8th will have a grammar test on Friday (pronouns).

Weekly Assignments

Tuesday: Religion test page 103 we respond.

Tuesday Students have to write their drafts to their haiku in notebook due Friday 11/19. Religion Students have to summarize the story of the Israelites, and explain how it was a unjust.


Wednesday: Students must finish 1-13 from spelling  in notebooks and than on L.L. they must answer 14-25 answers only.

Weekly Vocabulary November 15-19

subconscious: The part of the mind below the level of conscious perception

forewarned:  give fair warning

postpone:  To delay until a future time; put off.

tactile: Perceptible to the sense of touch; tangible

obligate: To bind, compel, or constrain by a social, legal, or moral tie.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Weekly Assignments

Monday 11/8/10
5th Grade
ELA: Students have five sentences they have to answer. With their sentences they must add a adjective or adjective clause to make the sentence more interesting.  Students must rewrite the sentences with their answers.
Religion: During class students created 6 questions about conformation. These questions were switched with their classmates; they must answer the set of questions they received for homework on a separate sheet of loose leaf.  

6th Grade
Religion: Students must come up with how they would make the story of Joseph into a play.
7th Grade
ELA: text page 352 question and answers; students must tell weather the  verb is : manner, time, or place.

Week Test

5th grade will be having their unit 4 spelling test Tuesday 11/9/10. they were introduced to their words 11/1/10
7th Grade will have their unit 4 spelling test on Friday 11/12/10
8th Grade will have their unit 4 spelling test on 11/12/10

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Weekly Lessons


5th Grade

6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade


5th Grade

6th Grade

Weekly Vocabulary

PLAGIARIZE : to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source.

Covenant: the agreement between God and the ancient Israelites, in which God promised to protect them if they kept His law and were faithful to Him.

Procrastinate: to put off till another day or time; defer; delay

Endure: to hold out against; sustain without impairment or yielding; undergo.

Abrupt: sudden or unexpected


1.       If homework is not handed in the day it is due it cannot be made up and the students is given dentition.
2.       Tests are not to be taken in pencil. If a student wants to use pencil to do homework, and take class notes that is acceptable.
3.       When children are given a research paper, if they copy and paste their work from a web site they will receive a 0 for their paper. Plagiarism is not acceptable.
4.       If a student wants extra help, I am always willing to help. They must take it upon themselves to come to me and ask.
5.       It is the students’ job to copy down their homework and test. Students are never given TEST without ample time to study. If they do not write it down when they are told about it, it is their own fault.
6.       If a student is absent the day before a test that does not excuse them from the test.

Students projects

5th grade saint projects due Thursday 11/10/10
                The 5th grade has to write a 1 page research paper, on a saint of their choice. This paper must include: year the saint was born, information on the saint’s childhood, reasons why that saint was canonized, year they died, and year they were canonized.  They also have to draw a picture of their saint and surround the saint with images that they were known for. For example: if they choose a saint that is known for watching over children, they may want to draw someone looking over a class.                       Due Wednesday 11/10/10

7th grade students are working in their groups on their advertisement project.
                The students are working in groups of 3 or 4 to create a product that has never been seen before.  They have to make an advertisement, write a paper, and create the product. The advertisement, and product, is what the students will be presenting to the class. The paper will have to explain what the product does, what age group it is appropriate for, what makes it different from other products, and  what made them choose this product.  As an extra the students will be able to make a commercial.  If the group decides to create one, it MUST be handed in to me 2 days before the complete project is due for approval.  Paper Due Friday 11/12/10 Complete project:  Due Monday 11/15/10

8th grade How-To
                The 8th grade students are working on a how-to essay. The students were able to choose anything they could teach the class how –to create.  Students will have to demonstrate step-by-step to the class their creation. If students are making food they must bring it in already cooked.  Along with the already prepared food students must bring in all the raw materials, so that they can show the class what they did to have their final product.  Due Friday 11/12/10

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

weekly assignments

Test for the week

5th grade: religion test Wednesday chapter 5

6th: there is a religion test on Wednesday chapter 5

7th grammar test on Wednesday

8th grammar test on Wednesday