Sunday, November 7, 2010

Students projects

5th grade saint projects due Thursday 11/10/10
                The 5th grade has to write a 1 page research paper, on a saint of their choice. This paper must include: year the saint was born, information on the saint’s childhood, reasons why that saint was canonized, year they died, and year they were canonized.  They also have to draw a picture of their saint and surround the saint with images that they were known for. For example: if they choose a saint that is known for watching over children, they may want to draw someone looking over a class.                       Due Wednesday 11/10/10

7th grade students are working in their groups on their advertisement project.
                The students are working in groups of 3 or 4 to create a product that has never been seen before.  They have to make an advertisement, write a paper, and create the product. The advertisement, and product, is what the students will be presenting to the class. The paper will have to explain what the product does, what age group it is appropriate for, what makes it different from other products, and  what made them choose this product.  As an extra the students will be able to make a commercial.  If the group decides to create one, it MUST be handed in to me 2 days before the complete project is due for approval.  Paper Due Friday 11/12/10 Complete project:  Due Monday 11/15/10

8th grade How-To
                The 8th grade students are working on a how-to essay. The students were able to choose anything they could teach the class how –to create.  Students will have to demonstrate step-by-step to the class their creation. If students are making food they must bring it in already cooked.  Along with the already prepared food students must bring in all the raw materials, so that they can show the class what they did to have their final product.  Due Friday 11/12/10