GRADE 7: MODULE 1: UNIT 1: OVERVIEW: Building Background Knowledge: Perspectives in Southern Sudan
· determine the central ideas of a literary text. (RL.7.2)
· analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of characters in a literary text. (RL.7.6)
· can cite several pieces of text-based evidence to support an analysis of literary text. (RL.7.1)
· recognize, interpret, and make connections in narratives, poetry, and drama, ethically and artistically to other texts, ideas, cultural perspectives, eras, personal events, and situations. (RL.7.11)
· select evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (W.7.9)
· use a variety of strategies to determine the meaning of unknown words or phrases. (L.7.4)
· produce clear and coherent writing that is appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (W.7.4)
· select evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (W.7.9)
scenario, determine, representation, central ideas, literary text; plains, route, cradle, analyze, develop, contrast, points of view, characters, determine, central ideas, text features; droned, herding, aimless , bush, rebels, infer; flicking, droned , herding, grazing , aimless, halted , backfiring , bush, rebels, scattered, scrambled, hesitated, scurried, protested, objected
GRADE 7: MODULE 2B: UNIT 1: Reading Closely and Citing Evidence: Stories of Personal Identity Formation
· objectively summarize a piece of text. (RI7.2)
· analyze the interactions between individuals, events, and ideas in a text. (RI7.3)
· analyze the interactions between individuals, events, and ideas in a text. (RI.7.3)
· analyze the development of a central idea throughout the text. (RI.7.2)
· can analyze the organization of an informational text (including how the major sections contribute to the whole and to the development of the ideas. (RI.7.5)
· cite several pieces of text-based evidence to support an analysis of informational text. (RI,7.1)
· self-select text based on personal preferences. (RL.7.11a)
analysis, central idea, interaction, stereotype; atypical, conception, socialized, exacerbated , structure, central claim, reason, section; “rush of steam,” innit, heinous, “hot under the collar,” fallacy, linguist, Anglo-Saxon, disassociated, quadrative, appropriation, deploy, acronyms
· Function of Nouns, adjectives, and adverbs with in a sentence
· Sentence variety
· Clauses
· Phrases All phrases