Friday, December 16, 2011

Speech contest for all students 5-8 grade

This year’s speech topic is:
A time when volunteers made a difference

The school speech contest will be held for grades 5-8 on January 30. Before this contest, there will be an individual classroom contest that will be on January 24-26. These contests will end with 3-4 winners that will be sent down to the school wide contest on the 30th. This is not an option for students. If they do not do this project the will receive zeros.
·         The official rules of the contest are given to me from the Modern Woodmen Company and they will be followed throughout judging and grading.
·         This is the link to the official rules if you would like to see how the contest will be judged.

Key rules to follow:
·         All speeches must be 3 1/2 to 5 minutes long.
·         The speech must be memorized.
·         The speech must stay on the topic given.
·         The speeches MUST BE in the students own words.

When students return to school on January 4, 2012, two topics for their speech and the answers to the following questions for each topic are due. These must be typed and handed in. If students do not hand this in the day they return they WILL receive a ZERO out of 100 points. There are no exceptions.
  • What is a volunteer project or movement that has made a tremendous impact? (Consider both small-scale, community-driven efforts and large national efforts.)
  • Who was responsible for leading and/or carrying out the volunteer effort? (Consider projects led by one or many people.)
  • How has this volunteer effort positively impacted one or more people? And how does it continue to improve quality of life for people? (Consider the lasting impact).