Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Week of January 2 Reminders

All Students in 5-8 grade have their speech project due January 9, not top of the speeches being posted on google classroom, they must have the speeches memorized and ready to present. I have been posting and reminding, not only you, but your children as well. If this speech is not in your child will receive 3 zeros. THERE IS NO EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE!

If your child has not already started their speech it would be in their best interest to begin it.

1. It is a 3-5 minute memorized speech.

2. This speech must be in their own words, this shouldn't be to hard being that its based on their understanding of a hero.

3. there is a cut off time on google classroom, LATE, is the same as NOT COMPLETE.

4. If your child for some reason is sick the day the project is due they are still expect to have it posted on google classroom, and will be expected to present their first day back to class, if winners are already chosen for the speech contest, they loose the chance to be apart of the contest held downstairs.

5. Goggle classroom can be worked on from any device there is no excuses.